Videos Make the Difference!

When most people start looking for a pet, it’s usually a photograph that captures their attention, draws them to that one particular dog or cat and makes them fall in love.  Well with new technologies, Furry Friends is taking advantage of video and YouTube! After all if a picture is worth a thousand words so … Read more

Dogs Make People Happier – It’s a Scientific Fact!

Okay.. so maybe it’s not exactly a theory yet, but there is some scientific proof now that for many dog owners, having a dog makes them happier.  Mom’s friend once asked her when was the last time she had been so stressed out it made her cry.  She thought for awhile and then told him … Read more

A Letter From A Shelter Manager

I had read this letter a long time ago and as harsh as it sounds, it is often a reality for many shelters across the nation.  I came across it again on Ask Spike Online and thought it would be good to share again.. gives a strong perspective about what it’s like managing a shelter. … Read more

How Could You?

Mom came across the following essay on, it’s called “How Could You”, from Jim Willis’ book Pieces of My Heart.  She read it and had to hug and hold me tight, promising to love me forever and that she was so glad she gave me a second chance at life.  Enjoy the read and … Read more