Videos Make the Difference!

When most people start looking for a pet, it’s usually a photograph that captures their attention, draws them to that one particular dog or cat and makes them fall in love.  Well with new technologies, Furry Friends is taking advantage of video and YouTube!

After all if a picture is worth a thousand words so videos must be worth millions!  So many words I lose count on my tiny little paws!  It’s a requirement that when a family wants to adopt one of our dogs or cats that everyone in the family needs to meet the animal.  But it’s still hard to know exactly what that animal’s personality might be like and that’s what videos can help with.  When we shoot our videos we try to caputre a particular aspect of that pet just as we try to express what they’re like in the descriptions.   This gives you a little more insight into their personalities and an idea of how they might be with your family!

Check out our videos on YouTube –

We’ve already heard from several adopters that it was actually the videos that captured them and made them inquire about a particular pet.  It also helps with some of our more camera shy dogs and cats!