Traveling with your Pet

As the holiday season gets closer, I’m sure many of you are probably going on trips with your fur kids!  Well there are some tips that are really important to keep in mind when preparing them for and during travel to keep them safe!

Preparing for Travel

  • Make sure you know where you’re going to stay and that the locations are pet friendly!
  • Supplies – have enough food, water, and extra!
  • Documents – keep an extra copy of vet records on hand just in case
  • Microchipping – make sure your pet has proper ID tags, is microchipped and the information connected to the chip is up to date! – so that if they some how get lost they can be scanned
  • Proper travel restraints – crates and seat belts are incredibly important for car trips and plane rides!  Make sure you also understand what the restrictions are for flying your pet and how that process works.

During Travel

  • Always keep your pet leashed and a firm grip on the leash, you never know what might startle or scare them
  • Take breaks! – we dogs like to stretch our legs and use the bathroom just like you do!
  • Understand what your pet is like on road trips and have the right supplies ready – water, motion sickness medicine, etc.

For more in-depth tips on how to prepare and travel with your pet, check out these links below: