SB 250 at the finish line! Final Round of Calls Needed!

Another message from the Social Compassion in Legislation!



Dear Friends:

In my last email to you, I promised to contact you with more information about when to contact Assemblymembers in your area to voice your support of SB 250.

The time is here! The bill will be heard in the full Assembly sometime before September 10, and then will be sent to the Senate for a concurrence vote.

So, we need your calls today! I know that the bill is moving fast and that phone calls seem like they are constantly required, but THIS IS IT. After September 10, the bill is either on it’s way to the Governor’s desk, or dead.

A simple, quick phone call NOW will help SB 250 reach the finish line!

To help make calls easier, we are introducing our new SB 250 Automatic Phone Caller! Just enter your zip code and the tool directs you to the most critical Legislators in your area.

Click here now to use the tool!


Why are we being asked to make so many phone calls?!

SB 250 goes through a long process on the way to becoming law, and phone calls are needed at every step: (click link for larger photo)


Without your previous phone calls, we NEVER would have gotten this far. This is hard work for every volunteer out there, but your quick phone calls today are absolutely critical for this bill. THANK YOU!

So please click here now to use the Automatic Phone Caller!

Thank you so much for your support and for caring about pets in California.

My deepest appreciation,

Judie Mancuso
President, Social Compassion In Legislation (SCIL)
A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization focused on reducing pet overpopulation through legislation.