Happy Stories: Toto (now Steve Rogers)

Adopted a year ago.  Toto (now Steve Rogers) is now happily living in his forever home with Dani and her family.

Steve is getting along superbly with our cat since day one (they nap together) and is a gentle, mellow spirit that greets everyone from seniors to toddlers with a polite hello. We’ve completed obedience training together and he’s passed his Canine Good Citizen exam and is headed into more training to become a therapy dog. Our ultimate goal is to be able to volunteer at the children’s ward at Lucille Packard.

We love this old soul in a little dog body so much, and he loves being with other people and animals, that we’re even considering adopting a second dog and playmate into our home. Thanks to Emily, his foster home and Furry Friends Rescue team for bringing him into rescue so we could meet him!


Dani and Steve