Fundraising for our “Golden Dog” Kellie

kellieWe are fundraising for Kellie who has huge fatty tumors on her chest and left knee area. The tumor on her chest now needs to be removed by end of April because it has grown too large and hampering her walking. Two vets have confirmed, that they cannot remove her knee tumor because it is too invasive into her leg tendons and nerves. We hope to have a specialist look at her knee soon.

A true sweetheart—”Golden Dog”

Kellie (Elkhound / Chow Chow mix) was rescued on January 5, 2010 from a shelter. She is friendly and a true sweetheart—wise and spunky. She is great with other dogs but doesn’t like bouncy active dogs jumping into her face. She does like to speak her mind and barks at other dogs at showcases. She is a mellow sr. dog who is gentle and wants to bond to her person for life.

Kellie is doing great at her foster home with everyone. Her 2 teenage foster boys adore her. She’s people affectionate, easy on the leash, loves treats, follows you around and cooperative. She rides in the car well and easy to walk. She also speaks for treats! Very cuddly. Good girl and good with kids at her foster home. Just pure sweetheart!

Her tumors have been growing and they are hampering her walking and are terribly uncomfortable for her. They need to be removed as soon as possible.

Please join our fundraising effort to raise money for the surgery scheduled for the end of April. Thank you!

Also see our Miracle Club animals and support our cause!

UPDATE: 6/2/2011
Thank you all for donating for Kellie! We have reached 50% of our goal via ChipIn and other through other donor! As you know, we always take in special needs animal from our local shelter. Please continue to support us via PayPal Donation located on the right column of this blog. Big WOOF Thanks!