Many thanks to Jennifer Zhang for posting an article about Hansel & Gretel article in the Oakland Dog Examiner.
Check out her article on Hansel and Gretel, two adorable and adoptable dogs from Furry Friends Rescue!
Evil step-mother of not, Hansel and Gretel were abandoned and in serious need of medical care when Furry Friends Rescue took them in.
These two 9-month-old Chihuahuas were badly neglected and suffering from demodex mange, a skin disease caused by parasitic mites that usually results in hair loss. They were very timid due to their lack of socialization and training.
Immediately following their rescue, Hansel and Gretel’s rehabilitation began…. For the entire article click here.
Zhang is a supporter of dogs, owner of Sirius Republic and a volunteer writer for the Oakland Dog Examiner.
To see their FFR page with info, photos and video, click Hansel or Gretel.